Friday, 10 January 2014

What do tipping points mean to us?

As discussed in previous posts, tipping points are a concern for scientists and policy-makers due to the threat they pose to natural resources, ecosystem services and human well-being (Werners et al. 2013). Societies and economies across the globe are reliant on climate and ecosystem services in order for their current success, and also for that of future generations (Folke, C. 2006). Despite our dependence on natural resources, uncontrolled usage amongst other factors has depleted resources, whilst changing the composition of the atmosphere through emissions of greenhouse gases and enhancing global climate change. Climate change is only one of the challenges the global community faces today in terms of continuing development at a sustainable rate.

Werners et al. (2013) state that “climate change shifts the challenge for sustainability from preserving natural resources for future generations to strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity in social–ecological systems”. This means that policy making and resources management must change from a conservation basis to one that manages change and adaptation (Werners et al. 2013). Thresholds and tipping points, along with their properties and mechanisms, are important points for sustainability science, and their uncertainty is a big challenge when trying to remain sustainable.

Previous posts have mentioned that some systems have an indicator of change, if examined closely, which allows us either to mitigate against the changes or to prevent them from occurring where possible.  Biggs et al. (2009) found that if drivers of a system can only be manipulated gradually, action is needed much before a regime shift in order to prevent it, but if drivers can be rapidly altered, the action aversive action can be delayed until a shift is underway. However, these large, noticeable increases in the indicators only tend to occur once a regime shift has started, which is usually too late for human intervention to avert a shift (Biggs et al. 2009). Huntington et al. (2012) out into perspective the challenge we face and what it means for the average human:  “rapid sea level rise, for example from accelerated melting of the Greenland ice sheet, will create a choice between protection and abandonment for coastal regions throughout the world, a potential global tipping point” (Huntington et al. 2012).

Climate change is a challenge that most, if not all, governments cannot stretch to financially, and thus beyond a point, individuals must bear the costs or adapt to new circumstances, creating political-economic tipping points in countries everywhere (Huntington et al. 2012). The scale of the battle ahead depends largely on greenhouse gas emissions reductions, with temperature increase being a trigger for many of the fragile Earth systems responses. With many of the tipping points unknown, and the amplifying feedbacks and time-lag effects in systems underestimated (Werners et al. 2013), the challenge ahead is vast.

Biggs, R. S. R. Carpenter and W. A. Brock (2009) “Turning back from the brink: Detecting an impending regime shift in time to avert it” PNAS, 106, 3, 826–831
Folke, C.(2006) “Resilience: The emergence of a perspective for social–ecological systems analyses” Global Environmental Change 16, 253–267
Huntington, H.,P., E. Goodstein and E. Euskirchen (2012) “Towards a tipping point in responding to change: rising costs, fewer options for Arctic and global societies” Ambio. 41, 1, 66-74

Werners, S., E., S. Pfenninger, E. van Slobbe, M. Haasnoot, J. H Kwakkel and R. J. Swart, (2013) “Thresholds, tipping and turning points for sustainability under climate change” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5, 334–340

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