Friday, 27 December 2013

Decline of the Mammals

There has been much debate about the cause of mass extinctions at the last major global climate upheaval: the Holocene glacial to interglacial transition (Lister and Stuart, 2008). Vegetational belts and mammalian communities underwent major reorganisation, with many large mammals becoming extinct, and causality arguments generally revolve around a joint cause of human and climate. Evidence of these extinctions can be found from palaeontology, climatology, archaeology and ecology, using radiocarbon dating to temporally place each piece of evidence (Barnosky et al. 2004). Barnosky et al. (2004) detail how there is strong evidence for human induced population shifts and extinctions, but that climate change also plays a significant if not dominant role in all or some of the scenarios.

The woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) is one of the better studied large mammals as an example of mass extinction. Sher (1997) proposed a ‘retreat to the north’ in Eurasia, where distribution of mammoths steadily contracted, until mammoth were restricted to Northern Siberia around 12 ka BP before finally becoming extinct. Stuart et al. (2002) researched further into this, and found this model to be fitting but to overlook the complexity of the pattern of extinction. They suggest, for example, absence and then re-colonization of the Russian Plain and even re-entry to Europe as the Fennoscandian ice sheet retreated (Stuart et al. 2002).
Lima-Ribeiro et al. (2013) studied two Proboscidean (mammoth) species in which they found a large contraction in the geographic range size: Cuvieronius hyodon and Notiomastodon platensis. Both were narrowly distributed on scattered patches habitat refugia around 11 ka, the period in which the earliest humans probably arrived in South America. Under the unsuitable climatic condition at this time, both Proboscideans would be extinct after about 550 years of human hunting, but if climatic conditions were suitable, like in Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the time-for-extinction would be at least 3 times longer given the same human pressures (Lima-Ribeiro, 2013).

Cortell (2012), in his review of “Driven to Extinction: The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity” by Richard Pearson, makes the point that there is a huge amount of uncertainty when discussing climate change.  There is uncertainty in the impacts and extent of anthropogenic climate change, in the future trends in greenhouse gases, in the models we use to predict climate from these trends, and then uncertainties in the impacts of these changes on populations, species, and ecosystems, but that uncertainty should not become the key message (Cortell, 2012). The concluding paragraph of each paper encountered holds the same message: there is a need for more data before can we adequately attempt to answer the question of the cause or causes of extinction: climatic/environmental change or ‘overkill’ by human hunters (Stuart et al. 2002). This is despite many recent studies which have provided significant new finds and radiocarbon dating evidence, as well as other proxy indicators (Stuart et al. 2002), which will help to reduce uncertainty. These debates are ongoing, and it with more reading it becomes clear that the debate is not over choosing human or climate induced shifts, but in the amount of input that each of the factors had.

Barnosky, A., D., P. L. Koch, R. S. Feranec, S., L., Wing and A. B. Shabel (2004) “Assessing the causes of Late Pleistocene Extinctions on the Continents” Science, 306, 70, 70-75
Lima-Ribeiro, M., S., D. Nogués-Bravo, L. C. Terribile , P. Batra and J. A. F.  Diniz-Filho  (2013) “Climate and humans set the place and time of Proboscidean extinction in late Quaternary of South America” Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 392, 546–556
Lister, A., M., and A. J. Stuart (2008) “External Geophysics, Climate and Environment The impact of climate change on large mammal distribution and extinction: Evidence from the last glacial/interglacial transition” C. R. Geoscience 340, 615–620
Richard T. Corlett, (2012) "Climate-driven extinction, now and in the near future", Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27, 8
Sher, A.V., 1997. "Late-Quaternary extinction of large mammals in northern Eurasia: a new look at the Siberian contribution". In: Huntley, B., Cramer, W., Morgan, A.V., Prentice, H.C., Allen, J.R.M. (Eds.), Past and Future Rapid Environmental Changes: the Spatial and Evolutionary Responses of Terrestrial Biota. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp. 319–339.
Stuart, A., J., L. D. Sulerzhitsky, L. A. Orlav, Y. V. Kuzmin and A. M. Lister, (2002) “The latest woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius Blumenbach) in Europe and Asia: a review of the current evidence” Quaternary Science Reviews, 21, 1559–1569

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Forests Fighting Climate

The rise of populations and technological and social development has driven up global demands for bio fuels and grain as feed for animals for meat. This creates powerful incentives for agro-industries to expand into forest regions, notably the Amazon rainforest, causing dramatic and often irreversible change to the environment (Nepstad et al. 2008). Forest fires, drought and logging increase susceptibility to further burning while deforestation and smoke can inhibit rainfall, exacerbating fire risk in this positive feedback loop. If sea surface temperature anomalies and associated droughts to continue, approximately 55% of the forests of the Amazon will be cleared, logged, damaged by drought or burned over the next 20 years, as shown in Figure 1 (Nepstad et al. 2008). The trees of the Amazon contain 90–140 billion tons of carbon, equivalent to approximately 9–14 decades of current global human-induced carbon emissions each year (Canadell et al. 2007). A lot of this is released back to the atmosphere, partly by a reduction in carbon uptake by the trees, but also in burning and soil process changes. Lenton et al. (2008) predict a timescale of 50 years for the Amazon to switch to an alternative state with severely decreased biodiversity and rainfall. A large fraction of precipitation in the Amazon basin is recycled, and reductions in precipitation lead to  lengthening of the dry season, and increases in summer temperatures that make it forest re-establishment difficult, and suggest the system may exhibit bi-stability, with two stable states (Lenton et al. 2008).
Figure 1 - Amazon forest degradation map (Nepstad et al., 2008)
It is also proposed that human induced climate change is impacting boreal forests, as shown by a study in the western United States that links forest “greenness” to fluctuating year-to-year snow-pack. This study showed that mid-elevation - those between approximately 6,500 to 8,000 feet - mountain ecosystems are most sensitive to rising temperatures and changes in precipitation and snow-melt (Trujillo et al, 2012). The study by University of Colorado, funded by NASA, used satellite and ground data to identify the threshold where mid-elevation forests sustained primarily by moisture shift into higher-elevation forests sustained primarily by sunlight and temperature. They found that  mid-elevation forests are very sensitive to snow that fell the previous winter, with about half of the mid-elevation forest greenness attributed to the previous winter’s snow accumulation (Trujillo et al, 2012). Climate studies indicate that snow-pack in mid-elevation forests in the Western United States and in similar forests around the world has been decreasing in the past 50 years due to regional warming (Trujillo et al., 2012), producing a feedback system that will continue to increase warming due to decreased albedo and reduced carbon sequestration. Lenton et al. (2008) predict that the decline of boreal forest would cause a biome switch on a scale of about 50 years, transitioning to open woodlands or grasslands. Under climate change the complex interaction between tree physiology, permafrost, and fire would experience increased water stress, increased peak summer heat stress causing increased mortality, vulnerability to disease and subsequent fire, as well as decreased reproduction rates (Lenton et al., 2008)

Nepstad et al (2008) conclude that trends in Amazon economies, forests and climate may lead to the replacement or severe degradation of more than half of the Amazon basin forests by 2030. They suggest that recent success in changing landholder behaviour, as well as the designation of protected areas and practical techniques for concentrating livestock production on smaller areas of land that could reduce the likelihood of severe environmental change.

Canadell, J. G. et al. (2007) “Contributions to accelerating atmospheric CO2 growth from economic activity, carbon intensity, and efficiency of natural sinks”. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 18 866–18 870.
Lenton, T., M., H. Held, E. Kriegler, J. W. Hall, W. Lucht, S. Rahmstorf, and H. J. Schellnhuber, (2008) “Tipping elements in the Earth’s climate system” PNAS, 105, 6, 1786–1793
Nepstad, D., C., C. M. Stickler, B. Soares-Filho, and F. Merry. (2008) Interactions among Amazon land use, forests and climate: prospects for a near-term forest tipping point. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 363, 1737–1746
Trujillo, E., N. P. Molotch, M. L. Goulden, A. E. Kelly and R.C. Bales (2012) “Elevation-dependent influence of snow accumulation on forest greening” Nature Geoscience, 5, 705–709

Monday, 9 December 2013

Monsoons and their tipping points

The future evolution of monsoon rainfall under increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 and aerosol pollution is highly uncertain, and although it is generally accepted that greenhouse gases tend to increase monsoon strength, distribution of aerosols may have other effects, leaving the overall effect uncertain (Leverman et al. 2009). Summer monsoons are known to vary at orbital and longer timescales as a result of external forcing, but of more interest are the abrupt changes that have occurred without any known forcing over shorter millennial and suborbital scales (Gupta et al. 2003). Millennial-scale abrupt monsoon events within the current interglacial have been linked to North Atlantic climatic changes, according to the hypothesis that increased winter snowfall weakens the monsoon the following summer (Meehl, 1994).
Figure 1 - results of study of G. bulloides and haematite to
show periodically weakened monsoon.
Tipping points have been crossed in monsoon systems before, switching between two stable states. During the Holocene and last glacial period, rainfall in India and China has undergone strong and abrupt changes associated with these states (Leverman et al. 2010). Zickfeld et al. (2005) developed a simple model which identified two stable states in the Indian summer monsoon, potentially allowing for rapid transition between radically different monsoon circulations. We can examine these state shifts by looking at magnetic susceptibility in sediments, oxygen isotopes, dust flux in marine cores, pollen and many others (Feng et al, 2006). Gupta et al (2006) observed seven intervals of weak summer monsoon during the Holocene  (highlighted in the grey bars in Fig. 1) that can be correlated within age uncertainties to millennial-scale Dansgaard-Oescher events in the North Atlantic. These were identified using haematitie and planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides, a unique proxy for monsoon circulation in the tropics that shows linear correlation with the surface cooling due to upwelling (Gupta et al. 2006). These weak phases correlate with North Atlantic cool peroids, and monsoon maxima with warm periods in the North Atlantic. Gupta et al (2006) suggest that the monsoon could be sensitive to relatively small changes in forcing of 0.25% change in solar output, or a 2°C change in sea surface temperature.
Leverman et al (2010) suggest that North Atlantic climatic events had a very small effect, but internal feedback of the monsoon amplified changes. The main feedback is the release of latent heat from precipitation over land, which increases to the temperature difference between land and ocean. This pushes stronger winds from ocean to land, thus increasing advection of moisture over land, enhancing precipitation and associated release of latent heat. If monsoon winds get even slightly weaker, this feedback is reduced significantly. The abrupt transition emerges through an additional stabilizing effect of the direct heat advection which is cooling the atmospheric column and is also reduced for reduced monsoon winds. This continues, along with other feedbacks, until a threshold is reached at which condensation/precipitation cannot provide the latent heat needed to maintain a circulation (Leverman et al, 2010).
Monsoons are depended on by millions of people in some of the world’s most densely populated regions for water for agriculture and fisheries, recharge of aquifers and maintenance of ecosystems amongst others. It is therefore in our best interest to mitigate or at least understand the impact that natural variability and global climate change may have on reaching a critical threshold in monsoon systems and turning of the cycle for good.

Gupta, A.K., D. M. Anderson, J.T. Overpeck (2003) “Abrupt changes in the Asian southwest monsoon during the Holocene and their links to the North Atlantic Ocean”. Nature 421, 354–356.
Levermann, A., J. Schewe, V. Petoukhov, and H. Held (2009) “Basic mechanism for abrupt monsoon transitions” PNAS, vol. 106, 49, 20572–20577
Meehl, G. A. (1994) “Influence of the land surface on the Asian summer monsoon, external conditions versus internal feedbacks”. Journal of Climate. 7, 1033–1049
Zickfeld K, B. Knopf, V. Petoukhov and H. J. Schellnhuber (2005) “Is the Indian summer monsoon stable against global change?” Geophysical Research Letters 32:L15707.